Analysis of “Die Ruhe” by Signa
“Die Ruhe” (in English “The Calmness” or “The Silence”) is an immersive theatre piece by Signa which debuted in November 2021 in Hamburg, Germany. They re-opened their doors as part […]
Immersive Exhibitions in Berlin
The range of immersive experiences is vast and it doesn’t help that immersive is now a buzzword that gets slapped onto anything. We explored many forms in our other article […]
Voyeurism and masked encounters: The pleasures of a Punchdrunk experience
Punchdrunk is probably one of the best-known theatre companies offering immersive theatre experiences and has an ardent fanbase. They have created a number of immersive productions in which the audience […]
The many Faces of Immersion
Immersive theatre is constantly evolving. As a genre, it is by no means a clearly outlined category but shares some blurry boundaries with other forms of art and entertainment. In […]
What is Immersive Theatre?
“Immersive theatre” is a notion that has become widely used in recent years to describe a genre of live performance that blurs the line between audience and performer. The audience […]
Breaking the Fourth Wall
The fourth wall is a term used to describe the imaginary “wall” between the performers and the audience. The term is derived from the theatre, where the proscenium arch (the […]